Saturday 22 October 2011

Fetch a Sketch - Happy Halloween card


Now I have to be speady with my post tonight as Strictly has started - the high life I know it used to be clubbing till 3 in the morning now I'm lucky if I stay up past 10........ My daughter just calls us boring!
I've used 2 free digital stamps that the talented Emma very kindly gave to her followers from her new design collection that she is working on. She is one talented lady so please pop over and see her work.  I also followed the latest Sketch at Fetch a sketch.

I used: Emma's witchie & sentiment digistamps - coloured with pencils, promarkers & sakura pens. Papermania star paper, orange paper from stash,punch - rosette, gold card candi. This is my first attempt doing faux stitching too.

Fetch a sketch challenge 9 - sketch
divas by design challenge 13 - something spooky
Card makin mamas challenge 31 - halloween
ABC DT October challenge - pumpkins

Have a great weekend.

Love Debs x

Friday 21 October 2011

Halloween sweetie bag.


I meant to post again yesterday - whoops!  Where does the time go. I've been trying to tidy out my cupboards upstairs today - why do we hoard things? At least I've made a start but there is so much clutter to sort out. A bit at a time I guess.  Thought I'd have a rest in between jobs and do a little blogging.

I've made a sweetie bag for halloween with a great digi image from Nutcrafters Challenge blog. It's a fab image.  Beautiful to colour.
  I used a square card bag, half a shaped card blank, Nutcrafter's digi stamp, promarkers and pencils to colour, card candi coloured with promarkers and of course the main ingredient - sweeties(yummy jelly beans).So far they are still in the bag for how long who knows!

Nutcrafters challenge 3 - happy halloween
Abc challenge - b for boo.
hooked on craft challenges 10 - Something Spooky
Papertake weekly - spooooooky hues
Magical monday challenge - halloween.

Have a great day.

Love Debs x

Thursday 20 October 2011

Very Pink card!


Wow, was it cold this morning - brrr..... Hubby broke down so I had to shoot out the door and take my daughter to the hairdressers.  So much for a quiet morning.  Can't be helped though, at least it was in the village - power steering went - the joys! Anyway I've done a very pink card today for a little girl.

I took two pictures as I wasn't sure which was the best.
I used: Jelly park butterfly digi image coloured with promarkers, glitter. Funky hand papers, pink card, sentiment, card candi, pink ribbon and bow with a rose.
Jelly park challenge - add pink and ribbon for breast cancer
I love promarker challenge 88 - aint it cute
Kaboodle doodles challenge 89 - squares or inchies
Incy wincy designs challenge 116 - recycle - Recycled bow & rose and sentiment
Flutterby wednesdays - open challenge -used butterfly fairy image

Back soon with another card.Need to do a few jobs first.

Debs x

Sunday 16 October 2011

Milton & co Christmas card

Happy Sunday to you,

I am having a nice steady day today after my wash-a-thon and garden-a-thon over the last two days.Loved the gardening not so much the in and out with the washing.  Don't get me wrong I don't mind washing but when it's rushing to catch the good weather after 3 or 4 loads a day it wears abit thin.  I had a go with my new freebie paper pack curtesy of Papercraft Essentials magazine.  It's a Milton & co Christmas paper pack that has 3 sheets of coloured images.  Love it.
I used blue card - base card and matting and layering, image and red paper from paperpack, used cuttlebug snowflake embossing folder, paper from my minds eye paper pack, snowflake dye (marianne creatables), silver card candi and sentiment from stash.  I was inspired to do this card as it's the ................Wild rose studio blog hop

You need to do a christmas card then do the blog hop.

wild rose studio blog hop - Christmas card or creation
Christmas blog challenge - winter wonderland - robin redbreast
Christmas crafting challenge 4 - little robin red breast
Sparkles forum christmas challenge - christmas songs - Little Red Robin by Jackie O'Grady (2010 xmas song)
My mums craft shop challenges 27 - remind you of a song - When the red red robin comes bob bob bobbing along by Doris Day)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.  I didn't realise Doris day sang - When the red red robin ............. You learn something new every day.  A little news I came in the top 3 with my daughter word book with Get funky and craft challenge blog - woo hoo!

Love Debs x

Friday 14 October 2011

Daughter Easel card


Forgot to add my daughter's card to my last post so this will be a real quickie.Here it is:
I used: Polkadoodles cdrom - double sprinkles of kraft (for the papers, I made the topper in my craft studio, sentiment topper), die cut flowers glittered and craftwork cards card candi.

Papertake weekly - get in shape, 3 different shapes
Cutie pie challenge-bingo board - flowers, 2 patterned papers, glitter
Polkadoodle week 40 challenge -handmade flowers
Paper sundaes challenge 90 - favorite colour combination - pink and brown

Bye for now.

Debs x

My first ATC card - Thank you

Hi all,

Wow what a beautiful day it's been, the trouble is I go around like a maniac getting the washing out - 2 loads - that was all I could fit on my whirlie.  Then it was a trip to my mum in laws for a cuppa and stop off for two smoke alarms as my ones that run via electricity decided to have a beeping competition all night.  So I have got back up in case they are not working.  Sound out the noise out hubby says - yeah course I can and why didn't you wake me........ Then this afternoon I spent an hour in the front garden weeding and having a chat with the neighbours.  Who knows how long this nice weather will last - apparently just tomorrow.

Anyway I saw a challenge over at Moving along with the times to do an ATC so I had a little dabble last night.  Not quite sure about it but the image is cute and any excuse to play with my promarkers and distress inks!
I had so much trouble with my camera so used my mobile instead.

I used: A squiggle stamps digi image-Gothtoyz, thank you stamp, promarkers and vintage photo distress ink.

Squiggle stamps challenge - thank you
Moving along with the times challenge 120 - atc
Truly Scrumptious challenges 67 - distressing
Incy wincy designs - being thankful
ATC challenges - Anything Girlie or Anything Goes

Don't forget to pop over to By the cute and girly challenge blog to join in with their 2nd birthday challenge.  Great challenge and lots of fab prizes.

Love Debs x

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Daughter word book

Hi all,

Quick post tonight after my mammoth one yesterday.  I am running a nice hot bath to soak away the day.  I was back to my Voluntary class today and we had a lovely bolognaise and a couple of us made chocolate muffins with custard. They came out a funny shape but were gorgeous.  Hope you've had a good day even if the weather is dull and wet.  Here's my word book:
Not a great picture but it's so long.  I used: I think it was my funky wordbook by Funky Hand and used lots of stickers,gems and tags from my stash. The inside is decorated with matching papers and photos of myself and my hubby and Shannen from really young to now.  It's a lovely memory book too to keep and look back at in years to come.
Get funky and craft - birthday time
By the cute and girly - 2nd year birthday challenge - anything goes
Just tracys crafts challenge - anything goes
Hooked on craft challenge 9 - anything but a card

I am doing my very first guest designer spot in November with Fetch a sketch.  Really excited and honoured.  I found out on Monday that I had won their challenge 7- woo hoo! I also won the Jellypark challenge with my stepper card. I got a £10 voucher to spend in their online shop, so I have ordered some digi's.I also won the Incy Wincy designs challenge with the same card and have chosen 3 digi's from Karen's Doodles. Must have been my lucky card.  Really chuffed.

See you soon.

Debs x

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Sketch by Fetch a Sketch!

Hi all,

I have a had a busy few days getting last minute little bits for my baby girl's 17th birthday which was yesterday.17 - wow!!!!!!!  So Friday was spent tidying up and getting my daughter to help with a few chores, Saturday was shopping - am, manic cardmaking for my Mum in laws birthday, my Sister dropped in for a quick hello as she is down with her family for a few days from bonnie Scotland and I was cooking for my mum in law.  Sunday was a less hectic day - out for lunch with with my Sis and her family which was nice, then wrapping pressies.Yesterday was an eary start for my daughter's birthday - present opening, before she had to rush off to college then a nice morning spent with my Sister shopping - yes, I was being spoilt by my Mum and Sis, even though Mum isn't down here she left orders with my Sister to treat me - new clothes.  I never got my card out quick enough to pay.  Good latte and muffin from a well known coffee shop too- yummy! I then came home for a rest and we had to pick my daughter up from Hull Fair at 7:15 where she'd been with my Sister etc.... It's too busy for me in the wheelchair.  Got some brandy snap though.  So today was a relaxing day once the Shopping had been delivered so I could craft. This is my second draft of this card and I'm still not convinced it's okay!  Here goes:
I used papers from Funky hand cd, chipboard flower shape, image from Nutcrafters challenge blog - freebie - coloured with sakura pens and promarkers, glittered flowers - english rolled rose die & marianne designs flower die,  ribbon and sentiment and pink mirror board.

Nutcrafters challenge 2 - think pink & use Nutcrafters digi
Fetch a sketch challenge 8 - sketch
Cute card thursday - challenge 185 Time for cake
Cutie pie challenge 2 - bingo board - Glitter, 2 patterened papers, flowers
Marianne design divas.- bloom and grow

Well folks I'd best go and tidy up the old craft room as it's a tip. No dinner to cook tonight as we are treating my daughter to a takeaway then belated birthday cake as she was too busy to have any yesterday. 
Have a lovely night.

Love Debs x

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Lily of the Valley Girlie Card


Well it's been an early start for me today, I had to follow my hubby to the garage to drop off his car for an M.O.T. then we were going to pop to Selby for a cuppa and a look around but the car isn't going to be ready until 3 which is rather a long time to be out and about so we decided to come home instead.  Which suits me as I can get some crafting done. Here's a card I made to cheer my Mum up when she was in hospital for a biopsy.
I used a LOTV stamp and coloured with promarkers, kanban cdrom for backing paper, Kanban poppy stamp,  Kanban stamped sentiment, creatables scalloped die.

Ideas to inspire - world cardmaking day challenge - favourite lotv card or a new card ( mine's a new card)
By the cute and girly september challenge - all things bright & beautiful
Crafts 4 eternity - random recipe - anything goes
Stampin for the weekend challenge 17- what a cutie
Ces challenge 56 - totally gorjuss/pretty girls

Off I pop.  Have a lovely day.

Love Debs x

Sunday 2 October 2011

Jellypark Craft Basket digi - Stepper card


I decided to have a go at a stepper card again, it's been a while.  I've used a great digi from Jellypark challenges that they created to celebrate World Cardmaking Day which was yesterday.  I thought it would make a great card for my daughter to give her Nana as she is an avid cardmaker.  So here it is:

I used gold mirror board, Craft basket digi coloured with promarkers, coluring pencils and  sakura gel pens.Sentiment printed from the computer, buttons, ribbons and gems.
Jellypark challenge using the craft basket digi
2 Sisters challenge 59 - fancy folds
Incy wincy designs - fancy folds
abc challenge - anything goes

Well the shopping won't order itself  and the washing needs bringing in so I'd better get cracking.  A woman's work is never done!!!!!

Just remembered I forgot to tell you that I came 2nd in the Polkadoodles whiteout challenge and I made the Top 3 at the Nutcrafters challenge.  I 'm really pleased. 

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

Love Debs x

Lots of Christmas wishes

  Hi all,  It's the 1st time for our challenge over at  Sparkles Christmas  .  This month I have chosen the theme as: ...