Sunday 29 June 2014

Full of Beans

Hi all,

Are you full of beans like the title suggests? No, well me neither but I'm getting there.The sun has been out so that's a start.
Here's the last of the new releases from Funkyhand for now and this Takeaway Coffee Cup digi could just be the pick me up for someone feeling unwell.I love it. I didn't feel the need to colour it in I just printed it out on some of the lovely papers from Funkyhands Colour-Me-Happy cdrom - the papers are from the 'Contented Coffee Collection.'
There are lots of inspiration over on the Funkyhand website showcasing our different crafting styles using this digital stamp.


Hope you've had a lovely weekend.
Hugs Debs x

Friday 27 June 2014

Forgotten Funky time.......

Morning lovely crafters,

It's Forgotten Funky time over at Get funky and craft inspiration blog and it's a chance to revisit a cdrom or paper collection from the past. This time it's the fab:
 'Colour me Happy cdrom'

Here's a card I made yesterday with the - 'Pleased to see ya colour collection' and the 'frame 3' digi stamp.Wow I had some fun playing, whoops working......

Very fun and bright for me but I really enjoyed making it.
Here's a pic of a few of the papers and digi's on the cdrom

It's a steal for this cdrom £6.99 here

Don't forget to pop over to Get funky and craft blog to see what the rest of the talented funkettes have made.


Thanks for popping over.I love to read your comments.

Hugs Debs x

Thursday 26 June 2014


Hi again,

Just a quick post this time otherwise my hubby will think I've took root on the sofa........ The time just vanishes when I'm sat in front of the computer screen - yes I get carried away.. Don't we all??? or is it just me?
Anyway it's time for another new release from Funkyhand and this time it's a digi stamp called 'Thanks a latte,' very apt for us coffee drinkers. It's a snip at £1.29.Here's the digi and my card:

As you can see I printed the digi onto some Teas up funkyhand papers which go nicely together.The sentiment is from them too.

stamp and create june-challenge-thank-you
crafty boots challenges - thank-you
bizzy becs store june-challenge
fan tastic tuesday-challenge-41-anything goes
ditzie digi designs week-5-winner

Thank you once again for so many lovely comments, I read everyone of them and am always touched by the generosity of crafters. Apologies for doing at least 2 posts a day but it's just how things have fell this week. Normal service will resume!!!

Hugs Debs x

Home Sweet Home

Hi all,

I'm here today to tell you about the fantastic new releases over at Funkyhand towers. Anice has been super busy this year designing some stunning downloads and today I am showcasing the fabulous paper download: Wash it all away - the papers are amazing.I wanted to make something different this time so had a go at a hanger with some paper rolling too.

As always when Anice releases a new download she provides lots of inspiration from the rest of the funkettes.So if your crafting mojo is lacking check out the website.


Had a really nice lay in today, well 8:30 is a lay in for me.Feeling much brighter after my journey home. Didn't get dressed till 11 ish - but why not........ Have a lovely day whatever you're up to.More washing to go out for me and I'm hoping to pop back later with another new release.

Hugs Debs x

Wednesday 25 June 2014


Hello again,

I am here with the start of a new challenge over at Ruby's Rainbow 
and it's my turn to choose the challenge theme which is:
'Stamping - Rubber or Digital'

I absolutely love stamping in both forms as you can get some fantastic effects.For my card I have used an 'Inky Doodles' script stamp for the background and a 'Stampin Up' stamp set that I won over a year ago which I love and of course I had to heat emboss too.Hope you likey!!!
So why not join in with us and share your beautiful creations with us.The design team have produced some beautiful makes as always.


That's all from me today. 

Hugs Debs x

Anything but square


How are we all today? Hope you're all well and crafting away........... I'm here with a new challenge from Nutcrafters and it's time for the lovely Helen to choose a theme of:
'Anything but square'
so lets see some lovely shaped cads or projects...

I decided to use a bottle tag that I made a while ago with me coming home a day later from Scotland than planned, which I'll explain later.....
I used one of the newly released stamps for it and coloured it in with promarkers.Just a different way to use these digi's as there are so many different occasions that they can be used for.

As always there are lovely prizes to win so why not join in with us.The rest of the teamies have made some lovely creations to inspire you.
Main Prize...

To spend in the Nutcrafters store...

Remember you have to use a Nutcrafters image to qualify for this prize!!

2nd Prize...
2 Digi stamps or 1 stamp sheet of your choice from Nutcrafters...(subject to availability)

the squirrel and the fox challenge-72-use-something-metal
creative knockouts 42-embossing
creative fingers challenge blog-40 anything goes
digi choosday wk-25-anything-but-square-card

So, I got all ready for travelling home on Monday, arrived at the train station, no trains for at least an hour due to someone being on the tracks.Came back to be told the trains had started earlier and I'd missed mine by 2 minutes. I was gutted.... there were no through trains to York until 4pm - too late for me to travel, so my lovely Mum organised with the ticket office a free replacement for today.Same train and anything while I had a slight melt down. 

It turned out that a 14 year old girl had been hit by a train at a common suicide spot.She survived but not sure about the circumstances so I hope she's okay, bless her.
I am now home safe and sound after a lovely week catching up with my Mum, her hubby and my Sister and family.
Thanks for popping by.I'll be back in an hour with another of my DT makes.

Hugs Debs x

Wednesday 18 June 2014


Hi all,

I've popped upstairs to use my step Dad's computer as it's quicker to do a blog post than my ipad and easier.
It's midway reminder time over at Nutcrafters with the lovely Sylvia's theme:

'A Recipe'
1 backing paper,
1 image,
1 sentiment,
1 bow/ribbon
1 button.
So why not join in as there is another 6 days to go on it and some lovely prizes to be won too.

Here's a card I made in a short period of time on Sunday before I came away the next day:

Time was running out for me so I hope it's okay. I love my little button nose on my piggy - cute eh!!!

Don't forget the fab teamies have made some lovely creations and would love you to pop over to see them.


Well, I arrived safe and sound in Arbroath on Monday.With lots of help on and off the train.After a rest my Mum and I popped out for a coffee - well it would be rude not to, then we went and sat at the harbour and had a little ice-cream - yummy treat. Followed by a fab BBQ on the night.
Had a cuppa out again today and treated myself to a little handbag.

Hope you're all well and thank you for popping by to see what I have been up to.

Hugs Debs x

Sunday 15 June 2014

Happy Father's Day

Hi all,

A late post for me but I have been out for a coffee with my dad, and a little cake to celebrate Father's Day.I got a few bits at M&S to find when I got back to the car, they had changed the road into a pedestrian zone after 11am and left me a parking ticket-nice.Thats not all-there were bollards in the road that had to be unlocked by a traffic warden. The staff at the coffee shops had tried to find me too, to warn me bless them.they were so kind and gave me a number to call.I was so cross, then I cried.oh well, onwards and upwards. I cheered myself up with a trip to outfit and hobby craft.well needs must.
Happy Father's Day to all the lovely Dads out there.hope you've all had a nice day whatever you've been doing.
Here's a card I made for my Dad.

I am all packed for my trip to Scotland to my Mums tomorrow, it's an early start too.


Apologies in advance that I've not been able to visit everyone as often as I would like but I am trying to use the computer/iPad abit less as I am having a few problems with my arms.

Take care
Hugs Debs x

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Flora and Fauna

Morning again,

This is my last post for the day - honest. It's time for a new challenge over at Ruby's Rainbow and the lovely Helen has chosen the theme of:
'Flora and/or Fauna'

Now I'll admit that I had to look this up on the internet as I'd guessed that Flora was plants but I was at a loss for Fauna which means animal, so lets see all your creations with Plants and/or animals.I've used both.

I just had to use one of my Housemouse stamps didn't I - it would be very rude not to!

We'd love you to join in with us and all crafts are welcome as long as it follows the theme.Also the rest of the teamies have made some beautiful makes, well worth checking out.

Thank you for popping by.Time to get my crafting up-to-date for while I'm away next week.

Hugs Debs x

Little Puzzler


Here I am with my 2nd post of the day to share with you our new challenge over at Nutcrafters and it's the lovely Sylvia's turn to choose the theme which is:
'A Recipe'
1 backing paper,
1 image,
1 sentiment,
1 bow/ribbon
1 button.

Simples...... Nice to have a plan.I used the adorable digital stamp Nutcrafters 'Little Puzzler'.The sentiment is from a previous stamp set.

As always there are prizes to be won:

Main prize......
to spend in the Nutcrafters store....
but remember to qualify for this you need to use a Nutcrafters image
(there's a freebies page here)

2nd prize.....2 Nutcrafters digi stamps or 1 stamp sheet of your choice
(subject to availability)

We'd love to see what you come up with so we can visit your blogs and leave you a comment.

Thanks again for popping by.I do appreciate all your lovely comments.

Hugs Debs x

Funky New Home card

Morning lovely crafters,

It's time to share some Funkyhand loveliness with you all. Now as you all know our crafting style changes over time and paper crafting is so versatile that we don't always have to include a digital stamp/rubber stamp as our focal point on a card. Even though Anice's digital stamps are second to none.

We can create some great card designs using our papers and what would be better than Funkyhand papers. Us funkettes are biased of course. For my card I've used 1 die to cut out a frame and the rest was cut with scissors or my gullotine. The download I've used is the recently released Fading Beauty.

Why not make something to share with us either on the Get funky and craft inspiration blog or add a pic on our Facebook page.It can be using this download or any Funkyhand product.


This is my 1st post of the day, 2 more to come - busy day today.

Here's hoping you're all having a nice week so far.The sunshine just makes me smile more. I met up with my friends Sheila and Tom yesterday at Waitrose in Hull for a cuppa and a teacake (such a good girl aren't I-that was my lunch).I still want to make my target of losing a stone and I am 3lb off so hopefully if I'm not too naughty while I'm away I'll make it.Hubby has to lose 4 more lbs to make it a 2 stone weightloss.

It was so nice to catch up over a cuppa.After that I went to drop a couple of birthday cards off for my sister-in-law Cath whose birthday was yesterday then I surprised my Mum in law with a visit. Busy lady wasn't I... No wonder I never slept too good but it was worth it as I had fun.

I'll be back at 9am with another post.
Thanks for popping by.
Debs x

Hugs Debbie x

Saturday 7 June 2014


Hi all,

Wow what a beautiful day it was here yesterday - shame it's raining today but hey ho that means no washing, just crafting!!! Perfect really. I had my 3 piece suite cleaned yesterday and wow it has come up a treat.It was manic here with cushions all over the place - the suite is dry today so hopefully we'll get it all back to normal today.

Here's a card I made abit ago.


Have a nice weekend everyone.

Hugs Debs x

Wednesday 4 June 2014

In the countryside

Morning all,

It's midway reminder time over at Nutcrafters and lets see any 'animals or insects.' We'd love you to pop over to see what the rest of the teamies have made and to join in with us.

I've used the animals from the Woodland stamp sheet, I used digi's here.The animals are called Deary, Foxy and Hoot.You get the toadstools and the sentiment too.I made my own backgound with inks and used my branch embossing folder and cut it out.Hope you likey.


Remember there are freebies and prizes to be won, so don't miss out.

That's all from me today.Hoping to get on top of all my DT work this week and next as I'm heading up to my Mum's in Scotland a week on Monday(16th June) so I need to be organised.

Have a super day whatever you're up to.

Hugs Debs x

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Sunny days

Hi all,
How are we all today? Well I'm being super lazy as I'm abit stiff today so thought I'd get some of my blog posts prepared as I always leave them to the last minute.Also it means I'm actually doing something while I'm loafing about on the sofa.Got to grab the laptop while I can as when hubby comes in I usually let him have the run of it on a night - very kind of me, I know - Ha ha.

Here's a card I made yesterday.I played about with some paper-piecing on Sunday but decided I didn't like what I'd done - it just didn't feel right. So I stamped and coloured the image yesterday and felt much happier with it and did some paper-piecing again I was happy with.

I've used a gorgeous 'Little Claire stamp' which I love, promarkers, a couple of dies, card candi and some gorgeous papers that I won recently - beautiful sparkle to the spotty paper.

Well that's all from me for now.I'll be back tomorrow with another post.

Hugs Debs x

Sunday 1 June 2014

Favourite Colour Combo


Can you believe it's June already? I certainly can't, where does the time go? Another one I can't answer......
Anyway down to business, it's the 1st of the month so that means just one thing: a new challenge over at Sparkles Forum Christmas and it's the turn of the lovely Jo to choose the theme of
'Favourite Colour Combo'

So I chose Red and kraft card

I used an embossing folder, paper from my stash, pre-coloured LOTV James image, stickles, glossy accents, card candi and memory box heart die and some bling.

The sponsor this month is:

You can win a surprise prize

So well worth joining in with us and getting some Christmas cards made.Why not pop over and see what the rest of the teamies have chosen as their 'favourite colour combo.' 

crafty hazelnuts christmas challenge-179-3-of-something (card candi)
suzy smarty 1 completely-christmas-challenge-14-anything goes
Southern girls challenge sparkle-and-shine-with-bit-of-bling
crafty hazelnuts christmas challenge 2-extra-for-june-2014
fab n funky challenge-218-its-christmas

Here's hoping you're all enjoying your weekend. Shannen took me to visit my friend Julia yesterday in Hull - we had a nice chat and caught up on each others news.She recently was bought a Grand Calibur from Create and Craft for her birthday recently but it jammed after only using it a few times,her hubby managed to free the die but he had to open the machine up and the cogs were all mangled and the screws had come out. She's had to return it for them to look at - such a shame. 
I had my brother in law and his wife here today for an hour or so as we've not seen them for ages.It was lovely to catch up.

Thanks for popping by.

Hugs Debs x

Lots of Christmas wishes

  Hi all,  It's the 1st time for our challenge over at  Sparkles Christmas  .  This month I have chosen the theme as: ...