Monday 28 November 2011

Fetch a Sketch Challenge 12 & it's my birthday!!!!


It's Challenge 12 already over at Fetch a sketch.  See sketch to follow below:

We are being sponsored by:

Here's my card for this week's challenge:

I used: Kraft Stepper base card, papers-Whiff of Joy, Sleep Tight Baby Tiddly Inks Digital stamp- coloured with promarkers and used a distress ink, ribbon, bunting digital stamp, sentiment - SWALK stamps, card candi, glitter and kraft card for matting and layering.


Tiddly inks challenge 74 anything goes
Moving along with the times challenge ribbons and bows
I love promarkers challenge 93 anything goes
Dream valley challenge 21 sparkle on the stars
Totally gorjuss challenge 108 sparkle on the stars
Pennys challenge 67 - tie something on - a bow tied on the ribbon

Please head over to the Fetch a sketch challenge blog to see Ruth and Jenny's amazing creations.

Had a lovely time at the N.E.C with hubby and the mouse was caught thank goodness.  Yet when we came downstairs yesterday morning and another one was caught in the trap dancing round the kitchen, needless to say I stayed out of the way while Shamus disposed of it. Yuk!!  The traps are staying for the time being until we're sure they've gone.  I haven't done a lot of crafting due to being so tired and feeling a little ropey since we got back.  Hopefully get cracking this week.

Well another year older today.  Big 40 next year!!!!!!! I'll be back later with a pic of my goodies.  Am so spoilt!

Have a lovely day.

Love Debs x

Monday 21 November 2011

Challenge 11 Midway Extra - Fetch a Sketch


Here is my card for Midway Extra following the Sketch from Fetch a sketch:

I used a star template,  kraft card for base, Wild Rose Studio Paper pack, Marianne Creatables die, ribbon, card candi, sentiment stamp, image-A cute little fairy with her wand from our sponsor The digi garden coloured with promarkers and glitter.

So why don't you join us over at Fetch a sketch.  Remember the winner of challenge 11 wins 5 digi's from The digi garden.
Trimmies craft challenge 129 stars in your eyes
Flutterby wednesdays - open challenge (used a fairy)
Paperplay challenge 46 - shaped card
Christmas blog challenge - awwwwwwwwwwwwww what cutie - any cute xmas image.
2 sisters challengege 66 let it sparkle

Well I am off to pack  as I'm away for the night at Birmingham ready to visit the N.E.C. tomorrow for the motorbike show.  We had an unwelcome guest in the night - a mouse.  We were woken to my daughter screaming as there was a mouse in her room.  I thought someone had got in the house - what a fright.  I've never shot out of bed so fast.  It is now in the kitchen somewhere so hubby has just gone out to get some mouse traps - eek!  Hopefully it's gone back outside!

I have just found out that I won the challenge over at Jellypark challenges
with my Non traditional Christmas colours card.  I've won a free digi - whoopie! Really pleased.  I also found out that I came in the Top 3 with my Autumn card at Get funky and craft challenge.  How lucky am I. 

See you soon.  Hopefully there won't be anymore dramas or mices!

Love Debs x

Thursday 17 November 2011

Card or project for a child!


I was feeling brave on Tuesday and decided to try and make a cone for sweeties as a different little gift for a child.It worked out okay I think.  Now I've tackled the ironing pile today and left a few bits for my daughter to do - got to train them young you know! She likes ironing bless her - like to get her to earn her pocket money - never did me any harm. She's a brilliant help to me I'm so lucky.
I used a the beautiful Angel digital stamp from Nutcrafters challenge blog - fab freebie, coloured with promarkers and glittered. Freebie papers and silver mirror board and star peel offs.Really fun project.

Nutcrafters challenge 5 christmas card or project for a child using a Nutcrafters image
Creatalicious challenge 28 - for Christmas and make sure it sparkles.
Sparkles forum christmas challenge 10 - angels
Abc challenge - d for dazzle
Crimbo crackers challenge 2 make it sparkle

Trying to take it easy today as I'm going Christmas Shopping with my daughter tomorrow - it has to be done.  It'll be an early start as I can't stand crowds when I'm in my wheelchair.  I start flipping out and getting hassled.  Hoping to do the rest on the internet.  Enjoy the rest of your day.

Love Debs x

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Non Traditional Christmas colours


Well it's been a busy day - crafting mainly, then felt abit guilty and thought I'd better do a bit of ironing when I'd finished crafting of course!  It has to be done.  At least I'm all prepared for the class tomorrow.  Even though it's a healthy eating class we are making some table decorations so |I've been making a lantern - blast from my child hood or what and have been collecting odds and ends for them to do place mats etc.  The tutor I work with has been madly collecting items too so it'll be a fun morning before we cook lunch.  I've made a Christmas card in non traditional colours for a change so lots of pinks etc...The mirror board produced a bit of a glare on the photo I'm afraid.
I used a shaped card, Jellypark digital stamp - snowball girl-coloured with promarkers, freebie papers, mirror board, sentiment, snowflake peel offs, pearls, polar flowersoft, glitter for snowflakes and lilac spotted buttons.

Really fun to make.

Jellypark challenges - non traditional christmas colors
By the cute and girly - november christmas girls
Crafty calendar challenge - winter wardrobe
Bunny zoes crafts challenge 18 - anything christmas - winter wardrobe
My mums craft shop challenge 31 - sugar and spice

Back soon.

Love Debs x

Monday 14 November 2011

Fetch a Skech Challenge 11


This is my first offering as a Guest designer for Fetch a sketch, as well as my first time at doing any designing, I am so pleased.  A big thank you to Ruth and Jenny.

It's Challenge 11 time and here is the sketch to follow designed by Ruth.
Great sketch! Here's my project.

 The Sponsors this fortnight are:

I've used Super Hero Micky from The digi garden, great images.

For my star box I used: template and backing paper - My Craft Studio Encylopedia cdrom,image as above coloured with promarkers, stars from my stash, made my own banner with card and added alphabet tiles from Funky Hand sheet.

So without further ado pop over to Fetch a sketch and see what Ruth and Jenny have created.

Kraftin kimmie stamps - challenge 104 - make it masculine
Squiggle stamps - anything but card
Paper sundaes - challenge 95 - digital images

Have a great day.

Love Debs x

Thursday 10 November 2011

A Sketch from Fetch a Sketch!


Now that title is a real mouthful.  I started this card last night and finished it off today.  I had a right good play with some new Papermania 12 by 12 kraft card sheets from The Glitterpot.  It is fab.  If you ever need craft goodies quickly they are fab - received it next day.  I've been using my Marianne designs dies - discovered how to emboss with them too last night - Abit slow I know.  Really chuffed I can do that now.  My distress ink pad has been out too. Here's the sketch I followed fromFetch a sketch challenge blog.
And now my card:
Quite different for me.
I used: Kraft card-card base, flower etc, marianne dies, Funky Hand leaf paper - Freebie paper, digi image Funkyhand Papercraft factory cdrom(coloured with pencils & promarkers), ribbon, vintage photo distress ink and sentiment from another freebie sheet. My card fitted quite a few challenges this time.

Fetch a sketch challenge 10 - follow sketch
Get funky and craft - Autumn challenge - use 1 Funky Hand product
Marianne design divas - dying to diecut - Get your dies out
Incy wincy designs - challenge 119 - stitching
Kaboodle doodles - challenge 92 - colors of fall
Totally papercrafts - challenge 91 - stitch it
Sparkles forum challenges - challenge 24 autumn

Well I've got leek & potato soup and tomato soup cooking on the hob from scratch so hopefully one of them will settle my upset stomach.  Hope they taste good. Also some more news I came in the top 3 with my halloween sweetie bag at Nutcrafters challenge blog and I won Christmas Crafting with my xmas card - wild rose papers and image - whoopee!  Have a lovely night.

Love Debs x

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Fireworks card!


I know it's a bit late, but better late than never! This has to be a quick post as I need to get cracking on the dinner - it's pasta night!  I've made a good dent in my ironing pile from while I was away, done some washing and flicked a duster around so thought I deserved a little bit of crafting!
So here's my bonfire card:
I used a freebie from Nutcrafters challenge blog  isn't it sweet! Firework background card- C & C, red card, Forever friends sentiment, red star & silver star from my stash, glitter, red beads-polkadoodles.
Hope you like it.

Nutcrafters challenge 4 bonfire party - use freebie
Daisy doodles creative challenge 46 - Anything goes with a digi
My partner in crafting crime - challenge 35 - use freebie
Heart song inspirations challenge 23 - anything goes

Bye for now.

Debs x

Monday 7 November 2011

It's my 18th Wedding Anniversary!

Hi all,

It's taken me since Thursday to get back in the swing of things. It was my 18th wedding anniversary - 18 years wow!! I went to get started in my dining come craft room and saw a plastic bag on the table, I thought it was my rubbish bag but it was heavy - some lovely chocs and great border stamps from my special man - how sweet!  Very crafty! I had a lovely crafty day though, I only made one card but at least I achieved something and I was having a nice play with my stamps.  I'm really pleased with how it has turned out, it took a few goes to get the bird in the cage - needed a few practice runs but isn't that part of the fun of crafting. Without further ado here it is:

2 pics as I don't know which I prefer.  The black background I think!

I used: Craftwork cards shaped card, Kanban stamps used on the background paper, sentiment and birdcage as well as the flowers. die cut flowers, polka dot ribbon & gems.


Creative craft challenge 2 - fancy edges
Tuesday taggers - unusual shaped card
Truly scrumptious challenge 69 - bingo time - gems,flowers, die cut flower shape.
2 sisters challenge 64 - ribbon
Allsorts challenge week 128 - anything but square

Have a nice night.

Love Debs x

Thursday 3 November 2011

I'm Home!!


I've back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to Scotland last Thursday to spend some quality time with my Mum and Sister.  My Mum's been really poorly and still is. I was desperate to see how she was doing.  It put my mind at rest seeing her and we had a lovely 4 full days relaxing, plenty of catching up time and seeing my sister too which was great.  Anyway needless to say it's lovely to be home - hubby and daughter have kept the house spotless and done lots of washing bless them.  I got back this afternoon so I haven't fallen off the end of the earth and will be popping by and blogging soon. Hope you're all well.  I'm chomping at the bit to get crafting......

Love Debs x

Lots of Christmas wishes

  Hi all,  It's the 1st time for our challenge over at  Sparkles Christmas  .  This month I have chosen the theme as: ...