Monday 25 January 2016

Flowery Monday

Hi all,
How was your weekend? I had a nice restful weekend and my friend Julia came over for a cuppa. She's also a  card maker so we always have lots to talk about.

Today I've been for my blood test and before I went I started to play with my ink and Clarity Stamp Chrysanthemum stencil. I had great fun. Hope you like it too.


That's all from me today lovely crafters. I have an appointment with my Oncologist tomorrow, I've not seen him since September so here's hoping he'll let me have a follow up scan without me having to set my hubby on him....ha ha. Enjoy the rest of your day. I'm going to decide what we are having for tea tonight. I am following the healthy eating plan from - Eat more, lose more on Lorraine. I last 4 lb last week so I am buzzing. I have lost half a stone in 3 weeks whoopee.... The chematherapy and steroids made me balloon in weight.

Thanks for popping by and all the lovely comments you've left me since I have returned to blogging. Bless you all.

Hugs Debbie xxx

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Animal Magic time

Morning all,

It's time for a new challenge over at Ruby's Rainbow
Ruby's Rainbow
 and it's the lovely Helen's time to choose a theme which is:

'Animal Magic'

So lets see all your creations including an Animal.

Don't forget to check out the rest of the teamies makes.

Here's a card I made for my Brother in laws 40th birthday with his pride and joy Sasha. She's adorable and a rescue dog whom they've had for quite a few years.


Gosh it's so nice to be back blogging. Thanks for popping by.

Hugs Debbie x

Tuesday 19 January 2016

New Baby card

Happy New Year dear friends, better late than never eh!!!!!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. It was a quiet time for us but a special time with family.

I can't believe my last post was in June. I've not been in blog land for a while so I'm trying to ease myself back in gently to see how I manage. 


My chemotherapy finished at the end of September and I am slowly getting back to some normality. I should get my appointment this month with my oncologist to see if my Ovarian cancer has been treated.I want a scan just for my own piece of mind. My outlook is positive so I am determined this year will be a healthier and happier year. I would like to thank you all for hanging on in there with me as it's been a bumpy ride. My hair and eyebrows are growing back which I am totally blown away with, how quick that has happened. I have a short crop hairstyle. I am one lucky lady. Please be vigilant everyone and any worries get yourselves straight to the doctor. Life is too short.

Anyway onto 1 of the cards I made last year which I haven't managed to blog.

This is a card I made using a LOTV image as well as a little teddy image from a Polkadoodles cd rom


I'll be hopping around your blogs as soon as I can, so bear with me.

Hugs Debbie xxxx

Lots of Christmas wishes

  Hi all,  It's the 1st time for our challenge over at  Sparkles Christmas  .  This month I have chosen the theme as: ...