Friday 31 October 2014


Good morning,

How are we all today? All okay here and ready to share with you another of the forgotten funkies from the wonderful Funkyhand
We are re-visiting my 1st Funkyhand cdrom - Funky Daze which had the very first wordbooks on it, which I fell in love with straight away. 
All the funkettes are sharing their makes over at Get funky and craft blog so why not pop over for a nosey, I know I will be.The paper collections are fab and you can buy it now for £1.

I decided to make 2 mini 4 x 4 cards.


Well I'm hoping for a couple of deliveries today as I went shopping with Shannen on tuesday and bought a couple of dresses to try for a christening this Sunday but they don't fit so I've ordered the next size in a couple and a few others.Fingers crossed. Shannen is Godmother so I'm really looking forward to it.

Catch up soon.
Hugs Debs x

Thursday 30 October 2014

Keep in touch....


I'm here to tell you about a fantastic new release from Funkyhand called Keep in Touch and wow is it a fun, vibrant and usable download.

This download consists of zingy backing papers and 2 topper sheets for £2.49..The speech bubbles are fab.I recently sent my 13 year old nephew the easel card below and he loved it, bless him.The speech bubble toppers are so easy to cut out.I increased one of the backing papers to make my own mobile phone topper.

So why not treat yourself to this fabulous download from the talented Anice.
You won't be able to resist playing with it, so nice to keep in touch with all your friends and family.Texts are nice but a card means alot more.


Have a lovely day.

Hugs Debs x

Wednesday 29 October 2014

For the one you love

Hello again,
It's new challenge time over at Ruby's Rainbow and it's Helen's turn to choose the theme of:
'For the one you love'

We'd love you to pop over to us at Ruby's Rainbow to see what the rest of the teamies have created as well as joining in with the challenge.
Here's my card that I made for my hubby using papers from Pink Petticoat:

Thank you for popping by and for all your lovely comments.
I love to hear what you think.

Hugs Debs x



It's new challenge time over at Nutcrafters and the theme is:
'Halloween' chosen by Helen.

So here's a little wordbook I made using 1 of the Nutcrafters freebies called 'Halloween' it's a cute image and I've chosen the bits I wanted to use from it and snipped away.The papers are from the Funkyhand Spooky-dookie download-:

We'd love you to pop over to join in with us and to see what the rest of the teamies have made.

I've been busy crafting the last few days trying to madly catch up and to be on time with my DT work. The mouse body count is still climbing but at least the traps are doing their job - I've had no close encounters either thank goodness.

Big hugs
Debs x

Sunday 26 October 2014

Winter Wishes


Wow it's a  wild and Sunny Sunday here in East Yorkshire. I am doing my post later than expected today but I've made it at last.

Today I wanted to make something for the people I send Winter Wishes cards to instead of Christmas cards. Just because they don't celebrate it, I still want them to know I'm thinking about them. I only make a couple or so of these a year. Now when I started I knew what paper download I wanted to use and that I wanted to make a couple of cards using the same items. I like to challenge myself now and again.So here they are:

The paper download is 1 of my favourites called Winter wonderland .
All I printed out was 1 sheet of A4 with 2 papers on it, the rest were from 
my bits folder. Some twine, 1 set of snowflake dies and liquid pearls instead of gems etc.

Why not pop over to our Inspiration blog - Get funky and craft and share some of your Funkyhand makes or views with us there or on our Facebook page.

Now the reason I am late with my post is we've had mice in the kitchen. Discovered on Friday evening when I popped in the kitchen after my nice shower and 1 shot across the skirting boards.A few screams later and hubby set the traps.Caught the little one and 2 more in the traps today. Cleaned my kitchen floor after Friday nights discovery as I felt grubby, some time later went in the cupboard for the iron to find droppings everywhere, grabbed hubby - they'd only been munching on his pork scratchings - eek..... had to empty and scrub everything down. So my crafting fell by the wayside yesterday.

Anyway done lots of crafting today in my sunny conservatory.


Enjoy your Sunday evening.

Hugs Debbie x

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Snow much fun......

Hi there,

How are we all today? Hope it's not been too wild for you.
I've done a bit of crafting over the last couple of days. I had an order for a 21st birthday card which I've got ready to be picked up later.

Anyway enough from me it's Midway reminder time over at Nutcrafters
with the theme of 'Winter Weather' so here's another make giving you a peak at another new image from Katie.I love this Snowman, so cute.

Don't forget you've got another week to join in the challenge and the DT will love you to pop over to see what they've been making too.


Thanks for popping by and for your lovely comments.

Have a great day whatever you've got planned.

Hugs Debs x

Sunday 19 October 2014


Evening all,

I've had an afternoon of colouring and enjoyed a little bit of crafting while I caught up on the X Factor. It's been a gorgeous day even if abit wild. Lots of washing dried though.

Here's a card I made following the sketch below:

I sponged some yellow ink with some cut & dry foam on my base card and inked around the layers.

Anyway best get a move on as hubby is chomping at the bit for the laptop.

Have a nice night and thank you for popping to see me.

Hugs Debs x

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Using a freebie

Hello again,
Another new challenge over at Ruby's Rainbow and it's Shaz turn to choose the theme of:
'Use your Freebies/Prizes...'
(use anything given, from magazines or that you've won).

We'd love you to pop over to us at Ruby's Rainbow to see what the rest of the teamies have created as well as joining in with the challenge.
Here's my card:

My card was made using an freebie Indigo blu stamp which came with Simply Cards and Papercraft magazine which I embossed with black WOW embossing powder.The stamped sentiment and the papers were given to me also.


Thank you for popping by and for all your lovely comments.
I love to hear what you think.

Hugs Debs x

Winter Weather


Wow, hasn't the weather changed, brr........ quite a change and a shock to the system.This is my first post of the day.
 It's new challenge time over at Nutcrafters and the theme is:

'Winter Weather'
A great one as it really is feeling colder. It could be snowy, frosty, icy,wet, 
hats and scarves......

So here's my card using another of the new Nutcrafters images coming soon, aren't they cute-:

We'd love to see what you make so why not pop over and see what the rest of the teamies have made and join in with us.Please feel free to use a Nutcrafters freebie image too.

I send a few Warm Winter Wishes cards at Christmas time to family or friends who don't celebrate as such.I don't like to miss them out.

Thank you for popping by and for leaving such lovely comments on my daughter's card - you are all so kind.

I'll be back in an hour with 1 more post.

Hugs Debs x

Sunday 12 October 2014

One Special Daughter

Evening all,

Have you all had a nice weekend? I hope so! I've had a lazy weekend resting up as I've been so busy crafting this week, got my hair done on Thursday then Shan took me to meet my Dad for coffee at Costa so I didn't get home till 4:40 and I still had my daughters birthday card to do for the next day.So needless to say it was a busy night - good job I knew what I was going to do.I also still had pressies to wrap.

On Friday we went out for breakfast then I went out to the pub where she works a few days a week for a few drinks with her and her friends as they were throwing her a party. Wow it was a fun night. She had a ball.
Here's her card:

Can't believe she's 20......

That's all from me for now.
Thanks for calling by to see me. We are still to do her birthday cake as she's been feeling rather ropey all weekend - bless, I wonder why???

Hugs Debs x

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Christmas Hugs


Here I am again with my Midway Reminder time for Nutcrafters and it's Jo's turn to chose the theme of:

'Something New'
it has to be something new to you and don't forget to tell us what it is.
The rest of the teamies have made some lovely creations, please feel free to pop over and join in with us.

For my something new I've used another new digital stamp from the lovely Katie.Also a new snowflake die from Clearly Besotted Stamps. The sentiment is typed.Love this snoman, so cute.

Apologies for my lack of posts this last week as I have been snowed under fulfilling an order of Christening invitations over the weekend.I managed to get them all completed and picked up yesterday.I didn't realise how much work was required. She loved them, so that's all that matters. I need to crack on today as I have my daughters 20th birthday card to make before Friday and my Mum in laws too.
Busy, busy. Here's hoping you're all well and thank you for popping over to see me.I will get around you all as soon as.

Big hugs Debs x

Wednesday 1 October 2014

For a child

Morning ,
Hope you're all well.
It's time for a new challenge over at
and the theme has been chosen by Helen which is:

'For a child'
We'd love you to join in with our challenge and the teamies have made some beautiful creations.So feel free to pop over for some wonderful inspiration.

For my card I used my freebie Bo Bunny papers and a pre-coloured LOTV cute square - These are so quick and easy to use if you don't have alot of time to colour in.
We are lucky to be sponsored by:
with a great prize!
Paper Creators Crafts challenge-30-use a charm
cutie pie challenge-79-all-threes-for-cutie-pies-I've used 3 papers,3 buttons, 3 gems,
crafty ribbons challenge-103 - buttons and ribbons
christmas blog challenge layer-it-up
crafty hazelnuts christmas challenge-196-make-it-colourful

Well that's all from me.Apologies for the post overload but sometimes challenges fall together like this.Have a great day. I'm being taken shopping and to see my Dad by Shannen.I could get used to this not driving.Nice to be chauffeured.
Hugs Debs x


Hello again,
Another new challenge over at Ruby's Rainbow and it's Silvi's turn to choose the theme of:
'Autumn Leaves'
Isn't Autumn such a beautiful time of year, the colours are amazing.

We'd love you to pop over to us at Ruby's Rainbow to see what the rest of the DT have created as well as joining in with the challenge, you will love all the inspiration.

My card was made using an Inky Doodles Stamp set which I borrowed off my friend Sheila.I wanted to stamp everything - really enjoyed it.All stamped in distress inks.


Something new


 It's new challenge time over at Nutcrafters and it's Jo's turn to chose the theme of:

'Something New'

It could be some new papers,digi stamp or a new celebration - home,baby etc..You need to let us know what is new on your creation.

We'd love to see what you make so why not pop over and see what the rest of the teamies have made and join in with us.Please feel free to use a Nutcrafters freebie image too.

My something new is the Nutcrafter's digital stamp, the cupcake charm and the hessian. I thought I'd put a fun sentiment on the gift bag as so many people can relate to 'Bake off.' A nice way to give xmas treats as a gift.

This is a sneaky peak at 1 of the new stamp sets which will be at the 'Port Sunlight Show -Happy Stampers' on Saturday. If you are going remember to pop by to see the lovely Katie who is the face of Nutcrafters.

I'll be back in an hour with 2 more posts.Such a busy blog day.

How was your weekend? - Mine was pretty busy as my lovely friends Sheila and Tom popped to see me on Saturday.Had a great time catching up and Tom gave me a helping hand to bring the washing in and to make up my bed - such a star. I was also given a set of 'the Spectrum Noir Essentials Pencil set. So kind.I love them. So spoilt.....
I've been crafting like mad making some samples for the show.All done now-phew.Great fun though.

Thank you for your get well wishes too.The shoulder is still misbehaving but the pain is abit easier.

Hugs Debs x

Lots of Christmas wishes

  Hi all,  It's the 1st time for our challenge over at  Sparkles Christmas  .  This month I have chosen the theme as: ...