Thursday 24 November 2016

Anniversary card

Hi all,

Well the good news is my test results are back and I don't have to have any treatment for my bowel cancel....whoopee!!!! The cancer was contained in the polyp they removed.  It took a few days for the news to sink in but I feel like a weight has been lifted at last. It's time my family and friends to have a break from worrying about me. I've got to go for regular check ups for both the Ovarian and bowel cancer but that's the easy part. Phew.....
Thank you for all your support and for hanging on in there with me while I've been going through all this. 

Anyway here is my card for today using one of my first Clarity stamp stencils which I go back to time and time again. I've also used the wee folk stamps and the letterbox letters.

I am going up to Scotland for a weeks holiday to my Mum and Step Dad's. I can't wait. It's been over 2 years since I last had a holiday up there but I'll try to keep popping into blogland while I'm there. I go on Saturday. 
Thanks for popping by and leaving such wonderful comments.

Hugs Debbie xxx

Monday 14 November 2016

Christmas wishes

Hi all,
Apologies that it's been a couple of weeks since I last blogged. I've been feeling abit off colour and had a few relapses with my M.E. then my hospital appointment that I'd been waiting for was cancelled due to my specialist nurse being ill so I was gutted. These things happen I understand but I'd banked on getting my results after the tests I'd had in September. Anyway I go this Wednesday. 

I thought it was time I got cracking and made a few more xmas cards.
Here's a card I've made today using my new Indigo blu stamps. I ordered a lucky dip indigo blu bag from Hochanda for £25 (the contents were worth £85) and wow was I impressed. See my pictures below. I also bought a trailing flower bush so I could use my £10 voucher too. Bargains.



Thanks for popping to see me.
Hugs Debbie xxx

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Holly and the Ivy

It's the 1st of the month so
it's time again for a new challenge over at Sparkles Forum Christmas.

It's the lovely Sandra's turn to choose the theme this month which is:
'Holly and ivy'

I used: a Sue Wilson holly die, 
a Sheena Douglass ivy stamp fussy cut,
a snowflake embossed background
and a Penny Black tree and sentiment stamp.
Why not get some of  your Christmas cards done and join in with us. The other teamies have made some beautiful creations. Just click on the badge below.

The prizes this time is from the lovely Sandra, so thanks again dearie.
Much appreciated.
allsorts challenge week-387-lets-make-start-on-christmas
crimbo-crackers challenge-118-die-cuts.
crafting by designs get-ready-for-christmas

Thanks for popping by to see what I've been up to. Have a lovely week whatever you're up to.

Hugs Debbie xx

Lots of Christmas wishes

  Hi all,  It's the 1st time for our challenge over at  Sparkles Christmas  .  This month I have chosen the theme as: ...