Sunday 15 September 2019

Beautiful Poppies

Hi all,
Hope you're all well and enjoying your weekend. 
I'd like to wish my lovely friend 'Sheila' a Happy Birthday. She's a lover of poppies too like me. I'm late in wishing her a Happy birthday as I got my days mixed up..... silly billy. this is a card I made her this week. She's a fellow crafter and we message each other everyday. She's my rock
Well I'd better go and cook dinner with my hubby-it's a fry up tonight so nothing too taxing.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
Big Hugs
Debbie xxxx


Marianne's Craftroom said...

Beautiful card

cotnob said...

A beautiful card Debbie, gorgeous poppies and lovely sentiment.
Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

brenda said...

As another 'Poppy Lady' I adore this as I'm sure your friend will. and a lovely sentiment as well.

B x

Emily Shroom said...

Love the soft colours and those beautiful poppies, I am sure your friend will be delighted with the card even if it is a little late! Thanks for sharing at Bizzy Bec's

Sandra H said...

A beautiful card x

Sandra H said...

Also hope your well take care xx

sheila said...

I love my card Debbie it’s beautiful thank you crafting hugs xxx

Carole J said...

A beautiful Poppy card. Thank you for sharing your project with us at the Crafts Galore Encore “Anything Goes” September Challenge. Good Luck and hope to see you again soon!
Carole x DT

Nora Noll said...

This is GORGEOUS!! I love those poppies and the layering you did on this card!!

Ornaments for Christmas

  Hello all, It is the 1st July 2024 and I'm here to share my card for our challenge over at  Sparkles Christmas  challenge.  Caz  has c...