Monday, 30 November 2020


  Hi everyone,

I just wanted to update you that I've not been blogging more than once a month or managing my commenting very well the last year or so. 

 My mum passed away on October 16th and  we were with her in the hospice in Scotland .  It was a beautiful place and the staff looked after Mum and us so well. She had a debilitating lung disease which she's had for the last 9 years. She was only 71 and had a huge will to live. 

Thank you so much for supporting me in all the years I've been blogging, it means a lot.  I hope you're all staying safe and looking after yourselves. 

I'll be back tomorrow with my Sparkles Christmas card post.

Big hugs and love

Debs xxx


Jules said...

Hi Debbie

My sincere condolences to you and your family .. .. I am so sorry to hear you have lost your Mum. But in all of the sadness it must be very comforting to know that she was looked after so well.

Thinking of you.

Love and tight squeezy hugs

Jules xx

Janette said...

I am so sorry to read of your mums passing, its so very hard, I wish you all wonderful memories to hold onto.xx

cotnob said...

I'm so sorry to hear your sad news Debs but I'm really pleased to hear that the Hospice looked after your Mum and you so well, they are wonderful people.
Sending big hugs, take care of yourself.
Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

Lynne said...

I am so sorry to read your sad news Debs. Sending hugs and and my best wishes to you xx

Sarah said...

I am so very sorry to read this Debbie and hope you will find comfort in happy memories xx

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Oh hunnie, sending you all my love, I am so sorry for your loss
Hugs Shell x

Howard Azaria said...

Looved reading this thank you

A cup of cheer

  Hi all, I t is the 1st February so  time for our  Sparkles Christmas  challenge  and  Melissa  has chosen the theme -  A Cup of Christmas ...