Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Pop over to Enfys blog for a party!!!!

  Enfys is so talented so pop over to her blog as she's having a week long blog party, lots of fun, lots of games and lots of prizes to be won.She's arranged this to say a huge thank you to her followers, and those who subscribe by email.
Each day she will feature a new mini competition, and a new bunch of prizes. The comments for each competition will be kept open until midnight GMT (7:00 PM EST) on Saturday 22nd January 2011and announced on Sunday 23rd January.

Have fun x

1 comment:

Mina said...

oooohhhhhh off to check it out now Debbi thanks for the heads up
Mina xxx

A cup of cheer

  Hi all, I t is the 1st February so  time for our  Sparkles Christmas  challenge  and  Melissa  has chosen the theme -  A Cup of Christmas ...