Wednesday 12 January 2011

Spend,spend, spend!!!!

Well the Lili of the Valley stamps were calling , so what else could I do but buy some. I've seen so many of the stamps on the LOTV design teams blogs that I just had to have them.  I succumbed to the 'Together forever' stamp. the 'Love grows' stamp and....... yes there's more some of their cute squares-romance,tea and chat and sporty boys.  So Ill show you my goodies when they arrive-so excited.  I really want to explore stamping more so here's hoping. Talking of stamping I treated myself to a couple more stamps in 'The Glitterpot' sale, some Magnolia stamps as I haven't any at all so thought another little treat with my Christmas money.That's all for now, no cards today as I had Physio for my back yesterday and feeling pretty ropey today....maybe tomorrow.
Take care x x

1 comment:

Mina said...

theres nothing more theraputic than a good old craft mega buy is there Debbi lol
Mina xxx

Lots of Christmas wishes

  Hi all,  It's the 1st time for our challenge over at  Sparkles Christmas  .  This month I have chosen the theme as: ...